4–8 Weeks Prior

  • Confirm film title and speaker
  • Post event synopsis on website
  • Create event flyer and put copies in theater lobby
  • Send event details to SoS administrator to go up on scienceonscreen.org

2–4 Weeks Prior

  • Write/issue press release, develop targeted outreach list, promote to outreach list
  • Promote via in-theater slideshow of upcoming films and events
  • Promote via lobby video reel of upcoming films and events

10 Days Prior

  • Send e-blast to dedicated Science on Screen list
  • Send e-blast to Member list
  • Begin posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; these posts may or may not include ticket giveaways

Week of Event

  • Promote in weekly e-blast
  • Ask speaker to submit electronic version of presentation (e.g. PowerPoint slides) to technical staff for testing to ensure there are no glitches on the night of the presentation
  • Continue promoting via social media
  • Confirm staff member to be on-site to run raffle (if applicable)

Day of Event

  • Submit guest list to box office (to include speaker, his/her invited guests, sponsors, ticket giveaway winners, etc.)

Night of Event

  • Speaker arrives 45 minutes–1 hour before doors open
  • If applicable, staff member arrives 45 minutes prior to event to set up a raffle table; raffle entrants are encouraged to sign up for the Science on Screen e-blast list

After Event

  • Upload video footage of your event (if any) and speaker presentation materials to your SoS Dropbox folder, or send it on a flash drive to the Coolidge Corner Theatre