National Week of Science on Screen
<p>For the past 5 years, Science on Screen grantee theaters have chosen one night of the year to simultaneously host Science on Screen events, creating a coast-to-coast offering of thought-provoking programs that pair film screenings with explorations of science, technology, and medicine. We call this night the National Evening of Science on Screen.<br></p>
<p><strong>This year, we've expanded the National Evening to a National </strong><strong><em>Week</em></strong><strong> of Science on Screen</strong>—a full week celebrating of the wonders of science and filmmaking, March 20 to 26, 2019! </p>
<p>Check out the National Week line-up below, and visit our <a href="https://scienceonscreen.org/theaters/near-me">theater finder</a> page to find a participating theater near you!</p>
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