Science Moab Moab, UT
Michael Ort
Dante's Peak— Your Jeep can't actually outrun a pyroclastic cloud
Program Description
Volcanologist Michael Ort will offer a Q&A focused on volcanology and his research on explosive volcanism, particularly in Alaska, Southern Italy and Tierra del Fuego. He will also comment on the accuracy or inaccuracy of moments in the film!
Presented At
Science Moab Moab, UT
Film Synopsis
A vulcanologist arrives at a countryside town named Dante's Peak, which has recently been named the second most desirable place to live in America, and discovers that long-dormant volcano Dante's Peak may wake up at any moment.
Harry Dalton (Pierce Brosnan) is a volcano expert who is sent to investigate unusual seismic activity in the quiet Pacific Northwest community of Dante's Peak. There he discovers people boiled to death in the local hot spring and plant and animal life dying or displaying unusual illnesses near the city's supposedly dormant volcano. Harry becomes convinced that a major volcanic catastrophe is imminent. Rachel Wando (Linda Hamilton), the town's mayor, is skeptical of Harry's warnings. He must convince her of the potential danger before it’s too late.
About the Speaker
Michael Ort is a volcanologist who has worked on explosive volcanism around the world, with particular focus on the volcanoes from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego and southern Italy. He is emeritus professor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff and adjunct professor at Trinity College Dublin.