The Lindsay Theater and Cultural Center
Formerly The Tull Family Theater, The Lindsay Theater and Cultural Center is a film-based arts organization created to strengthen cultural, educational and entertainment experiences in the region northwest of Pittsburgh. The Theater fulfills this mission by:
- Offering an intentional wide range of films and genres—new releases, classics, documentaries, educational and foreign films, plus art, music, opera and stage plays on screen.
- Attracting thousands of patrons each month and hundreds more for events and free cultural performances from Allegheny, Beaver, Butler and Washington counties; West Virginia, Ohio and beyond.
- Enabling hundreds of children from nearby underserved communities to attend screenings—many of them entering a cinema for the first time in their lives—by providing transportation, tickets and a full cinematic experience at no cost.
- Pioneering sensory friendly screenings in the region northwest of Pittsburgh, opening new options to families, children and adults impacted by autism and other special needs.
- Launching free events designed for senior citizens, incorporating a film screening, live music and a panel discussion and Q&A session with experienced experts around relevant topics.
- Supporting underrepresented filmmakers through the Filmmakers in Residence program.
- Providing Cinema Maker Sessions (CiMS) workshop series to introduce middle school students to the basics of filmmaking, including the many career options involved with filmmaking, and its intersection with STEM disciplines.
As a still-young nonprofit, The Lindsay Theater and Cultural Center will continue to expand the ways in which it fulfills its mission.
Follow: @thelindsaytheater