Cable Car Cinema
The Cable Car Cinema is a beloved 40-year-old cinematic institution that is located in the heart of Providence, Rhode Island. It was known as "the theater with the couches" before couches were de rigueur. The cinema was one of 23 theaters selected by the Sundance Institute Art House Project for meeting the highest standards in film exhibition, including: quality programming, deep involvement with the local community, strong financial standing, and recognition from peers.
In 2015, Cable Car owners Emily Steffian and Daniel Kamil founded the Providence Center for Media Culture, a dynamic and growing nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging, educating, and building community through film and media programming. The center is committed to providing alternative programs not otherwise available in a traditional cinema setting and presenting them as shared experiences accompanied by thought-provoking discussion. The center and the cinema are partnering to bring Science on Screen to the citizens of Providence.