Mesilla Valley Film Society Mesilla, NM
Melody Hagaman
Senior Professional Development Facilitator at BootUp PD
CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap— Technology for change: Empowering diversity to inspire impact
Program Description
Melody Hagaman dives into what has happened to the gender gap since the release of the movie: what progress has been made and what barriers still exist? The discussion includes a brief review of stereotype threat, as well as practical strategies and resources (including highlighting New Mexico State University’s Young Women in Computing program) for schools, students, families, and community members to help narrow the gender gap and empower girls and other underrepresented groups to not only experience computer science, but leverage coding and technology to impact positive change.
Presented At
Mesilla Valley Film Society Mesilla, NM
Film Synopsis
CODE exposes the dearth of female and minority software engineers and explores the reasons for this gender gap and digital divide.
While tech jobs are growing three times faster than colleges produce computer-science graduates, this Mill Valley Film Festival audience favorite examines why so few women and minorities are in those classes and how the technology sector doesn’t always provide a culture welcome to women. Experts from the worlds of tech, psychology, science, and education are juxtaposed with inspiring stories of women engaged in the fight to challenge complacency in the industry and increase awareness of a global issue. CODE aims to inspire change in mindsets, in the educational system, in start-up culture, and in the way women see themselves in the field of coding.
About the Speaker
Melody Hagaman, Senior Professional Development Facilitator at BootUp PD, has been a science and computer science educator for over ten years and has won numerous awards for her work and creativity in recruiting girls and underrepresented minorities into computer science, including the National Center for Women in Information Technology Educator Award, the Las Cruces Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Teacher Award, 2019 Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching recipient, and the Golden Apple Foundation of New Mexico Excellence in Teaching Award. She speaks regularly on practical strategies for increasing diversity and equity in STEM and has presented at numerous conferences and universities. She now works as a full-time facilitator with the nonprofit, BootUp PD (a 501c3 nonprofit), training elementary school teachers on how to effectively implement computer science with ALL their students. Mrs. Hagaman is the founder of the eTextiles and Programmable Fashion Design at Centennial High School and created the original curriculum for that course. Her most recent projects include work with BootUp, the National Science Teachers Association, and Amazon Future Engineer to launch the Coding for Climate Action unit, a series of project-based lessons that empower students to create technology-based solutions to climate hazards in their communities.