Real Art Ways Hartford, CT
Dr. Heather Bennett
Assistant Professor of Biology, Trinity College
Last Breath— Humanity’s relationship to oxygen
Program Description
Dr. Heather Bennett gives a talk on humanity’s relationship its most indispensable element: oxygen. She delves into the way oxygen allows life to thrive and how our nervous system responds to environmental changes and stress.
This event is part of our 2024 National Evening of Science on Screen.
Presented At
Real Art Ways Hartford, CT
Film Synopsis
When a diver is trapped on the ocean floor with little hope of a timely rescue, he tries to save himself.
A diver is stranded on bottom of the North Sea with only five minutes of oxygen and no chance of rescue for at least thirty minutes. The original participants of this thrilling survival story deliver emotional first-hand accounts of an incident that changed their lives.
Photo credit: Dogwoof
About the Speaker
Dr. Heather Bennett is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Trinity College. She earned her PhD from Brown University and her Bachelor of Science degree from Stockton University in New Jersey. She completed her postdoctoral research at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and was a recipient of an Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA) sponsored by the National Institute of Health.
Dr. Bennett’s research focuses on understanding how the nervous system senses, responds to, and compensates for environmental and internal stress. Her work primarily uses Caenorhabditis elegans, a microscopic non-parasitic nematode worm, to investigate such questions. Dr. Bennett has taught courses in molecular and behavior genetics of neurological disease and the Principles of Developmental Biology. Her work has been published in Genes, Brain, and Behavior, as well as in PLOS One, and the Journal of Immunology. Dr. Bennett is a member of the Sleep Research Society, Genetics Society of America, and American Association for the Advancement of Science.