Coolidge Corner Theatre Brookline, MA
Barnas Monteith
Chairman, Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair, Inc.
The Lost World: Jurassic Park— Biochemisty in Jurassic Park
Program Description
Before the film, STEM educator and entrepreneur Barnas Monteith will talk about the surprising biochemistry behind the Jurassic Park films (most notably how hydrogen vs covalent bonding makes all the difference in how the events depicted in the film could become a reality), and his time with Jack Horner, the inspiration/advisor behind the book and films.
Free outdoor 35mm screening in partnership with the Rose Kennedy Greenway.
Rain Date: Thursday, 7/13
Presented At
Coolidge Corner Theatre Brookline, MA
Film Synopsis
A research team is sent to the Jurassic Park Site B island to study the dinosaurs there, while an InGen team approaches with another agenda.
John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) summons chaos theorist Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) to his home with some startling information—while nearly everything at his Jurassic Park had been destroyed, his engineers happened to have a second site, where other dinosaurs were kept in hiding. It seems the dinosaurs on the second island are alive and well and even breeding; and Hammond wants Malcolm to observe and document the reptiles before Hammond's financiers can get to them.
Photo credit: Universal Pictures
About the Speaker
Barnas Monteith is Chairman of the Massachusetts State Science & Engineering Fair, Inc. — the oldest dedicated inquiry based science education non-profit in MA, and one of the oldest in the U.S. A graduate of Tufts University, Barnas spent nearly a decade doing paleontology expeditions throughout much of the major vertebrate fossil-bearing beds of North America. Throughout college and beyond, he worked at Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology researching the Triassic vertebrates of Arizona, and was one of the youngest researchers ever to present a Plenary lecture at the Society for Vertebrate Paleontology. Since that time, he has started several successful technology companies – most recently foraying into semiconductor R&D, specializing in the commercialization of synthetic diamond products, with a focus on IC planarization, as well as the renewable energy and high efficiency lighting markets.
Barnas serves on the MA Department of Education / DESE’s Math & Science Advisory Council, and was appointed by Governor Patrick to serve as a member of the inaugural Governor’s STEM Advisory Council, as Co-Chair of its Public Awareness subcommittee, which recently launched the statewide WOW STEM campaign. He has co-authored several patents pending, published a number of scientific articles in the areas of paleobiology and materials science and speaks regularly at STEM education and industry events and conferences throughout the world.