Clark Snodgrass
Aerospace Engineer + Developer
Total Recall— There's something In the fog: Observing Earth's atmosphere from space
Program Description
Double feature: THE FOG and TOTAL RECALL
Everything from ocean water temperatures to sea ice patterns to finding lost fishing boats in the Bering Sea can be observed from the satellites orbiting around our big blue marble, many of which Clark was instrumental in building and launching. Find out how space exploration directly benefits our quality of life here on Earth.
Presented At
Juneau Underground Motion Picture Society and Gold Town Theater Juneau, AK
Film Synopsis
When a man goes for virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real—or does he?
In the year 2084, Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a bored construction worker who dreams of traveling to the colonized planet of Mars. He visits "Rekall," a company that plants false memories into people's brains, in order to experience the thrill of Mars without having to travel there. But when something goes wrong during the procedure, Quaid discovers that his entire life is actually a false memory and that the people who implanted it in his head now want him dead. Ensuing events leave no room for doubt that his true identity is that of a highly trained secret agent. He then follows a trail of clues to gradually recover more suppressed memories and reassumes his original calling with renewed dedication.
About the Speaker
Clark Snodgrass has over 35 years of experience in aerospace engineering and development spanning numerous space programs at Northrop Grumman including earth sensing, environmental, weather, and space science systems. During his career he served as the Director of Science and Weather Systems at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems. In this capacity he oversaw concept definition and development efforts in weather systems, earth science and space science systems. Previously he led the NPP Mission Support Program for Northrop Grumman, supporting NASA and NOAA in launch, activation, and on-orbit calibration of the 2011 Suomi polar orbiting weather satellite for NOAA/NASA that carried 5 advanced environmental sensing and weather instruments. He holds a BS in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from University of Illinois.