Martha's Vineyard Film Society Tisbury, MA
Eshed Ohn-Bar
Professor, Boston University
Total Recall— Machine intelligence
Program Description
Boston University Professor Eshed Ohn-Bar explores machine intelligence for real-world, embodied, assistive and autonomous systems.
Presented At
Martha's Vineyard Film Society Tisbury, MA
Film Synopsis
When a man goes for virtual vacation memories of the planet Mars, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real—or does he?
In the year 2084, Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a bored construction worker who dreams of traveling to the colonized planet of Mars. He visits "Rekall," a company that plants false memories into people's brains, in order to experience the thrill of Mars without having to travel there. But when something goes wrong during the procedure, Quaid discovers that his entire life is actually a false memory and that the people who implanted it in his head now want him dead. Ensuing events leave no room for doubt that his true identity is that of a highly trained secret agent. He then follows a trail of clues to gradually recover more suppressed memories and reassumes his original calling with renewed dedication.
About the Speaker
Eshed Ohn-Bar’s research is in machine intelligence for real-world, embodied, assistive and autonomous systems. Specifically, Eshed has developed and evaluated learning, perception, planning, and control systems for safety-critical applications in navigation and transportation–including autonomous driving and assisted navigation to people with visual impairments.
Eshed's research lies at the intersection of machine perception, learning, and human-computer interaction. Specifically, he is interested in robot learning for the perception and decision-making of real-world assistive and autonomous systems, such as autonomous driving and assistive mobile robots. He has received the 2017 best PhD dissertation award from the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. His team is a finalist at the 2022 Department of Transportation’s Inclusive Design Grand Challenge. He also regularly organizes workshops about challenges in intelligent vehicles and systems at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium and the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. He is an Assistant Professor in the ECE department at Boston University. Eshed received his BS degree in mathematics from UC Los Angeles in 2010, MEd from UC Los Angeles in 2011, and his PhD degree in electrical engineering from UC San Diego in 2017.