Midwest Theater Scottsbluff, NE
Martha Shulski
Director, Nebraska State Climate Office
Future Weather— Nebraska’s climate, past and future
Program Description
Nebraska State Climatologist Martha Shulski leads a discussion about Nebraska's historical climate trends and what the future holds for the state's weather.
Presented At
Midwest Theater Scottsbluff, NE
Film Synopsis
When her single mom runs off to California, Laudurée, a passionate environmentalist, clings to her rural home and a carbon sequestration experiment.
Laudurée (Perla Haney-Jardine) is a 13-year-old loner, passionate about nature and obsessed with ecological disaster. Greta (Amy Madigan), her grandmother, is a fiery nurse jaded by alcohol and disappointment. When Laudurée is abruptly abandoned by her dreamer single mom, she decides to take survival into her own hands, forcing her and Greta to rethink their futures and leap into the unknown.
About the Speaker
Martha Shulski serves as the State Climatologist for Nebraska and is an associate professor of applied climate science in the School of Natural Resources at University of Nebraska–Lincoln. She runs a statewide weather network that has 64 stations in 44 Nebraska counties (2 of which are in Scotts Bluff county). Her background is in meteorology, agronomy, and soil science, and her job has taken her to far flung places like remote Alaska villages. A native of Nebraska, she has worked for 16 years as an applied climatologist. Her passion is engaging with people to understand how climate variability and change impacts them.
Beginning at 6:15 p.m. in the Midwest Theater lobby, there will be student science fair displays, a 4-H science booth, and handouts from the Nebraska Conservation Education Fund. All attendees will get a free raffle ticket to win a door prize: one of three rain gauges.
The event is free, but donations are encouraged to support the Scottsbluff-Gering Chamber of Commerce Agribusiness Committee scholarship fund.
Event partners and sponsors for this event include the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research and Extension Center, Western Nebraska Community College, Farm Credit Services of America, Walther Farms, Trail Animal Clinic, the Nebraska Arts Council and the Nebraska Cultural Endowment.