Old Greenbelt Theatre Greenbelt, MD
Stephen Young
Senior analyst, Global Security Program of the Union of Concerned Scientists
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb— How to prevent nuclear war
Program Description
The United States maintains an arsenal of 4,600 nuclear weapons, hundreds of which are kept at "hair-trigger alert." Ten US nuclear submarines patrol the seas at any given time, each with firepower equivalent to ten WWIIs. At this screening, global security analyst Stephen Young discusses the Union of Concerned Scientists' concerns about today's US nuclear weapons policy, the looming threats of nuclear accidents and nuclear war, and the union's efforts to advance fact-based solutions for a safer world.
Presented At
Old Greenbelt Theatre Greenbelt, MD
Film Synopsis
An insane general triggers a path to nuclear holocaust that a war room full of politicians and generals frantically try to stop.
Loaded with thermonuclear weapons, a US bomber piloted by Major T. J. "King" Kong (Slim Pickens) is on a routine flight pattern near the Soviet Union when he receives orders to commence Wing Attack Plan R, best summarized by Major Kong as "Nuclear combat! Toe to toe with the Russkies!" On the ground at Burpelson Air Force Base, Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (Peter Sellers) notices nothing on the news about America being at war. He soon discovers that the order was given by the insane General Jack D. Ripper (Sterling Hayden), who believes that fluoridation of the American water supply is a Soviet plot to poison the US populace. Meanwhile, President Merkin Muffley (also Sellers) meets with his top Pentagon advisors, including super-hawk General Buck Turgidson (George C. Scott), who sees this as an opportunity to do something about Communism in general and Russians in particular. However, the ante is upped considerably when Soviet ambassador Alexi de Sadesky (Peter Bull) informs Muffley and his staff of the latest innovation in Soviet weapons technology: a "Doomsday Machine" that will destroy the entire world if the Russians are attacked. This acclaimed political satire black comedy from director, producer, and co-writer Stanley Kubrick was nominated for four Academy Awards.
About the Speaker
Stephen Young lobbies administration officials, members of Congress, and journalists to advance the Union of Concerned Scientists' security-related campaigns, largely focusing on arms control, nuclear weapons policy, missile defense, and nuclear threat reduction programs. He also works with scientists across the country to help amplify their concerns on critical national security policies.
Before joining UCS, Young was deputy director of the Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers, a national alliance of 17 nuclear disarmament organizations. He previously served as a senior analyst at the British American Security Information Council, legislative and field director for 20/20 Vision, and senior information specialist at ACCESS, a security information clearinghouse. He also was a fellow in the State Department’s Bureau of Human Rights.
Young is the author of numerous articles and publications on nuclear weapons policy and arms control, including The Cart Before the Horse: DOE’s Plan for the Future of the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex, which he co-authored with Global Security Program Co-director Lisbeth Gronlund. He is frequently cited by CNN, NBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other news organizations. He has a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University.