The Man In The White Suit

Coolidge Corner Theatre Brookline, MA


Marc Abrahams

Editor, "The Annals of Improbable Research"


Dr. Daniel Rosenberg

Chemist, Harvard University

The Man in the White Suit— Is it possible to create clothing that never gets dirty and never wears out?

A discussion about the possibility of creating clothing that never wears out.

Coolidge Corner Theatre Brookline, MA

Film Synopsis

An altruistic chemist invents a fabric which resists wear and stain as a boon to humanity, but both big business and labor realize it must be suppressed for economic reasons.

Sidney Stratton (Alec Guinness) is a brilliant if underappreciated research chemist on a quest to bring progress to mankind by inventing a new kind of fabric that never gets dirty and never wears out. When he finally succeeds, he is hailed a genius. But both textile manufacturers and labor unions soon come to realize that his miracle cloth could destroy their industry, and resort to desperate measures to make sure his invention never gets to market. Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Writing, Alec Guinness delivers one of his most beloved performances in this smart satirical comedy.

About the Speaker

Marc Abrahams is editor and co-founder of Annals of Improbable Research, and originator and emcee of the annual Ig Nobel Prize celebration. He was formerly editor of the Journal of Irreproducible Results.

Dr. Daniel Rosenberg
is a chemistry expert at Harvard University, who teaches classes in both physics and chemistry.