Ma Vie en Rose
Release Date
Film Synopsis
Seven-year-old Ludovic is a happy, healthy little boy who is convinced he’s a girl, no matter what others try to tell him.
Ludovic (Georges Du Fresne) likes to wear girls' clothing and lipstick, doesn't let his mother cut his hair, and frequently declares to strangers that he's going to be a woman when he grows up. When God was distributing chromosomes, he explains to his parents (Jean-Philippe Écoffey, Michèle Laroque), the chromosome that would have made him female accidentally fell into the garbage. His family initially believes he is going through a phase, but things come to a head when Ludovic declares his long-term plans to marry Jerome (Julien Rivière), the boy next door and the son of his father's boss (Daniel Hanssens). Sensitive, imaginative, and too young to understand why his heartfelt aspirations create an uproar, Ludovic innocently provokes a series of incidents that lead to ostracism of his family.