Erin Brockovich
Release Date
Film Synopsis
An unemployed single mother becomes a legal assistant and almost single-handedly brings down a California power company accused of polluting a city's water supply.
Featuring an Oscar-winning performance by Julia Roberts, Erin Brockovich tells the story of the real-life single mom and legal assistant who helped bring a California energy giant to its knees. Following a car accident in which she is not at fault, Erin pleads with her attorney Ed Masry (Albert Finney) to hire her at his law firm. Shortly thereafter, Erin stumbles upon some medical records placed in real estate files. She convinces Ed to allow her to investigate, and discovers a cover-up involving contaminated water in a local community, which is causing terrible illnesses among its residents.
Past Programs
Coolidge Corner Theatre, Brookline, MA
Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor, MI